Adventure Division

Meet the pioneers who pushed the limits of human endurance

Meet the pioneers of mountaineering who pushed the limits of human endurance Mountaineering has a rich history, and several pioneers played crucial roles in its development. Here are three pioneers in mountaineering along with intriguing stories about their contributions to the sport: Edward Whymper (1840-1911): Story: Edward Whymper is best known for being the first …

Meet the pioneers who pushed the limits of human endurance Read More »

Why Alpine style is only surviving true mountaineering experience

Why Alpine style is only surviving true mountaineering experience Mountaineering has evolved significantly over the years, and while it may not be as challenging in some respects as it once was, it’s important to recognize that the definition of “true mountaineering” can vary from person to person. Here’s why some argue that mountaineering has become …

Why Alpine style is only surviving true mountaineering experience Read More »

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Mountaineering and Pollution in Earth’s Remotest Corners

Mountaineering, a pursuit that captures the essence of human determination and the quest for adventure, has, unfortunately, left an indelible mark on the Earth’s most remote and pristine corners. While the allure of climbing towering peaks is undeniable, the environmental consequences of mountaineering activities cannot be ignored. This essay explores how mountaineering generates waste and …

Mountaineering and Pollution in Earth’s Remotest Corners Read More »

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